My city’s airport is way hipper than yours.

SeaTac  has an awesome new addition. The record label Sub Pop has opened up a shop in the airport, so swing on by Concourse C to check out some good tunes!

It is a really interesting installment to highlight Seattle’s music scene, demonstrating a local label that showcases incredible talent from all over, but quite a bit from this region. They have a wide variety of artists signed to Sub Pop as well as other artists representative of Seattle: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Macklemore, etc, from agreements with other record labels to showcase staple Seattle artists.

As far a music labels go, for an indie music junkie, good-god… you don’t get much better than Sub Pop. Just look at Sub Pop's current line-up, and their historical line-up. Unfortunately, not all of these are available at the shop. It mostly focuses on current Sub Pop artists and Seattle staples.

The shop has mostly Sub Pop merch: t-shirts and crap. But in the back of the store there is this beautiful little oasis of album art; shelves of records. It is my new favorite place in any airport. Its a nice place to drool over beautiful artwork and all the potential eargasms waiting on those nicely-lit shelves. I could spend a lot of time here.

It is also really cool because most of the artists on the Sub Pop label are far from ‘mainstream’, and this shop gives them broad exposure that they may not otherwise see. Random people passing through the airport, can check out some fantastic local indie bands.

The partnership between  Sea-Tac Airport, the Seattle Music Commission, and PlayNetwork also will include “overhead music in common areas, a program of live artist performances in the terminal, artist- recorded overhead announcements, and curated videos on terminal and baggage claim monitors.”

I think I most definitely miss my flight if one of my favorite indie bands is playing a free live set in the airport. I almost missed my recent flight just browsing the records!

However, the last thing I would want to do is tote a record on a plane...

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