Geograper - Animal Shapes

I found this album by accident, and it is fantastic! I mistook Geographer  for Geologist (a member of Animal Collective).... I gotta say, that was an easy mistake to make, but I'm glad I made it!. Haha.

It sounds like a cross of Grizzly Bear and Passion Pit. I arrive at that combo since it has the chill vibe and vocals of Grizzly Bear, but the crisp, catchy synth-work of Passion Pit. Which is a weird, but fantastic combo.

It is an EP so it is short and has no filler so all 6 tracks are solid. Give Paris a listen and tell me that synth riff doesn’t immediately resonate as in your brain as addiction.

…And I just found out that they are playing within 4 miles of my house, in less than a month!!! Damn that was good timing on that accidental find!


(No actual video here, just audio for your listening pleasure)

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