Sasquatch 2013 Lineup

Sasquatch Music Festival At the incredible Gorge Amphitheatre. All I can think about is festivals....festivals.... MUSIC festivals!

There are many names that stand out to me, and while not many of the headliners grab my attention... scroll your eyes down to about mid-list and there you find a bunch of obscure names that have me ready to rock. Lets break it down a bit.... in no particular order.

The Postal Service - It's the Postal Service! (please let the new album be good. thanks.)
Siqur Ros -  I only caught a piece of their set at Bonnaroo '08 and have been kicking myself ever since. It was beautiful, and I missed out. not again.
Macklemore etc - I would love to see them live.  I bet it will be lack-luster., but I am willing to find out.
Mumford & Sons - Sometimes this band annoys me, but I'll give them a chance to change my mind.
Cake - Yes. I'm excited about this one. Many memories related to Cake.

"Freebie" Headliners:
Most of the other headliners, I will watch, should they not interfere with other essential acts. I'll watch them and pretend that I didn't pay for them (and call 'em freebies).  ; )

Mid-listers and bottom-of-the-barrel listers:
This is where I usually get over-excited about obscure bands, that it is rare to see.
Empire of the Sun - I am totally excited about seeing this band.
FANG ISLAND - Capitalized because they might be the reason I commit to buying a ticket. One of the most under-rated bands in my opinion. I love this band. Especially their self-titled album. It is like a party of the most positive energy in your brain. Crazy uplifting guitar rock anthems!
Bloc Party - Wow. I can't wait! Been on my "see live" list for about 10 years.
Divine Fits - VERY pumped about one of last years favorites.
Ariel Pink etc - should be interesting.
Surfer Blood -  love their music. very fun.
Toro y Moi - I'm interested.

Bands I will gladly see again:
Edwarde Shape etc.  - Always a cult-like experience. And I have a crush on the chick.
Grimes - Saw her at the 2012 Capitol Hill Block Party but I hadn't  really listened to her album. Now I am ready to really see how it translates live.
Dirty Projectors - Regardless of their (insulting in my opinion) last-billing on the Line-up trailer, I will vouch for them. It was there live performance at Bonnaroo '09 that brought them to my attention. And they blew me away. I stumbled up to their stage (tent) and heard what I thought (at first) was some kind of electronic sound, then realized that the 2 chicks A Capella harmonizing! I am in love with some of the sounds that emanate from their voiceboxes. It is amazing.
Youth Lagoon -  CHBP 2012. Not super impressive live, but I like the album a lot. I'll watch him again.
The Barr Brothers - Saw them open for Deer Tick. My notes "Very good. nice sound. cool harp. I am very interested in keeping this band in the rotation." I haven't kept them in rotation. But I'll put em back in!.

Bands that may tarnish your hopes :
Andrew Bird - He is my 2nd top artist according to, and I love him, BUT his live show will ruin him for you. This is assuming you assume his songs will translate well live. THEY DO NOT. (sorry to burst your bubble), but its not rocket science: You hear his awesome whistling and vocal inflections on the album, You get that in your head, and then you realize that he takes "artistic liberties" with his songs during live performances. and you walk away unimpressed at best.
The XX - My notes from their latenight 'Roo '10 performance: "They were spot on, as one might expect. Glad I caught this one, but they have the stage presence of a dead.... rock."  So you can just listen to the album and you will get more than at the live show.

Kyle Kinane - VERY funny guy. Would love to see him.
Nick Offerman - "Ron Swanson" he's on TV!  all around good guy. I'd like to see him.
Recommendations? - this is a common place to overlook talent (and regret it later). suggestions appreciated.

And as always, I feel I have a lot of listening "research" to do in preparation for the festival, as there are many bands that I am (ever-so-slightly) embarrassed to say I don't know. It's a a lot of work to go to a festival and be on top of new music.

Now accepting suggestions on what bands I am overlooking!

If anyone is interested in how Sasquatch compares/contrasts to other music festivals (I have been to a few others. Most of them on the East Coast), I would be more than happy to discuss this ad nauseum. There are equally as many things that make this festival great, as there are failed opportunities to make it better. (Many of which are not difficult to achieve.) If only I could speak to the festival organizers directly... Maybe I just need to be the festival organizer. :)

It appears that they have learned their lesson from the wristband fiasco of last year, and are sending out wristbands via the mail this year. THANK YOU Sasquatch! That shit was ridiculous last year. People stood in line literally all day to exchange their ticket for a wristband: a completely unnecessary transaction.This means (I assume) that you will need a wristband to get on the camping grounds, which will limit random people from just showing up to party for the weekend. Not sure how I feel about that, but its an easy price to pay to avoid that mess again.

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